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WCO Programme Global Shield (PGS)

Project Assistant for the Project PGS GLOBAL


The World Customs Organization (WCO) is an independent intergovernmental body, established in 1952 as the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC), whose mission is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of Customs services across the globe. The WCO represents 183 Customs administrations that collectively process approximately 98% of world trade. As the global centre of Customs expertise, the WCO is the only international organization with competence in Customs matters.

As a forum for dialogue and exchange of experiences between national Customs delegates, the WCO offers its Members a range of Conventions and other international instruments, as well as technical assistance and training services provided either directly by the Secretariat, or with its participation. The Secretariat also actively supports its Members in their endeavours to modernize and build capacity within their national Customs administrations.


Programme Global Shield (hereinafter referred to as “PGS” or the “Programme”) is an unprecedented international effort to monitor licit movement of chemicals and counter the illicit diversion of chemical precursors and detonators used by terrorists and other criminal organizations to manufacture Improvised Explosive Devices (IED).

Spearheaded by the WCO, the Programme is running in partnership with the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in order to secure global supply chain and to enhance public safety.

This Programme aims at monitoring the licit movement of thirteen (13) of the most common chemical precursors (e.g. Ammonium Nitrate, Acetone, Urea) and other materials that could be used to manufacture IEDs in order to counter their illicit trafficking and diversion. It promotes cooperation among Customs and Police administrations in combating the illicit diversion of precursor chemicals, engages with private industry to establish best practice, trains Customs officers in detecting and handling precursor chemicals, and initiates investigations and other enforcement activities.

Started in November 2010 and funded by the US as a global six (6) months project, the achievements and importance of PGS led the WCO to endorse it as a long-term endeavour. In the meantime, even the United Nations recognized PGS and encouraged all countries to participate in and support it.

Due to the success of the Programme, particularly the fact that it undoubtedly saved lives by keeping bomb-making materials out of the hands of terrorists, in March 2011 the WCO endorsed a proposal for the Programme to become a long-term programme within the WCO; enabling Customs Administrations and the Police to continue multilateral efforts to combat the illicit trafficking and diversion of precursor chemicals.

In the last years, PGS was focused only on supporting specific regions within smaller and geographically limited projects rather than a global programme to support all WCO members.

Nevertheless, WCO members, especially those who already received respective trainings, have been permanently invited to join PGS community by nominating PGS National Contact Points (NCPs) in order to be able to securely exchange information through secure communication platform.

Today around 285 NCPs within customs administrations from around 100 countries are sharing information on precursor chemicals and other materials used for IEDs. Along with training, technical assistance, operational exercises, real-time information and intelligence sharing PGS entails for its participants and partners to be better equipped to interdict the illicit diversion of these materials in the supply chain.

Project PGS GLOBAL (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”) aims at resuming the global approach of the Programme.

PGS forms part of the WCO Security Programme and is staffed with one (1) PGS Coordinator. Depending on regional PGS project funds additional project staff is temporarily added.


The Project’s objectives are to be achieved mainly through:

  • Organizing and conducting a global PGS conference;
  • Delivering technical assistance and capacity building;
  • Developing/updating training and promotion material;
  • Updating and tailoring the Customs Enforcement Network Communication Platform (CENcomm) for PGS members and enhance information exchange;
  • Establishing and delivering serious data analysis on PGS seizures, licit shipments including both WCO databases as well as open-source information;
  • Conducting operational activities and fostering stakeholder cooperation; and
  • Purchasing and delivering detection devises to most vulnerable members.


Within the Compliance and Facilitation Directorate (Enforcement and Compliance Sub-Directorate), and under the supervision of the PGS Coordinator, the Project Assistant for the Project PGS GLOBAL will assist and contribute effectively to the delivery of the Project activities of the Project team which includes a Project Trainer and a Project Analyst.

He/she will be responsible for all administrative tasks including:

General administrative tasks:

  • Contributing to the Project’s communication and visibility plan;
  • Drafting letters and keeping the list of contacts updated;
  • Contributing to the redaction of Project’s documentation: e.g. reports, countries evaluations documents, fact sheets;
  • Supporting the team with translations when deemed appropriate; and
  • Processing Purchase orders (POs) and making bookings and payments for conference facilities, interpreters and other service providers in accordance with established WCO procurement procedures, relevant WCO internal rules and relevant provisions of the Project contract and budget.

Capacity building, training and technical assistance activities:

  • Arranging bookings and payments on travel and accommodation for experts and participants of the Programme/Project activities;
  • Providing assistance in visa and travel insurance matters;
  • Supporting organization of training, webinars, operations and any other event; and
  • Assisting in the development/update and distribution of training and promotion material.

Operational activities:

  • Assisting in organizing respective pre- and post-operational meetings; and
  • Conducting travel and accommodation arrangements; and

Reporting and analysis activities:

  • Assisting the PGS Coordinator and the Project Analyst in drafting and publishing donor reports and analysis.

Communication activities:

  • Assisting in maintaining contacts with international organizations, Customs administrations, other agencies and private sector; and
  • Assisting in promotion matters, including contribution to publications and communication (media releases, photographs, videos).

Any other related duties as may be assigned by the supervisor.


Bachelor’s degree in relevant field of study.


  • A minimum of five (5) years’ relevant experience is required;
  • Experience in working at international organizations;
  • Experience in working at customs and/or law enforcement and/or border security agencies would be an asset; and
  • Experience in organizing workshops or events at national/regional/global level.


  • Fluency in English or French is a requirement; and
  • Knowledge of the other would be desirable.


  • Strong communication skills;
  • Ability to work in teams,
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment with a wide variety of stakeholders;
  • Strong time management skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure; and
  • Proficiency in the use of office IT (good typing and word-processing skills and familiarity with Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook).


  • Staff member under short-term contract of two (2) years (with the possibility of extension according to the duration of the Project);
  • Probationary period: six (6) months;
  • Full-time employment (37 hours and 40 minutes weekly) at the WCO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium;
  • 30 days of annual paid leave;
  • Salary commensurate with experience and up to 3,000 EUR/month all-inclusive (remuneration exempted from income tax in Belgium); and
  • Compulsory WCO health insurance deducted from the salary (around 67 EUR/month).

This position is subject to the Manual for Short-Term Contractors. The successful applicant shall not acquire the right subsequently to occupy a permanent post within the WCO. The successful applicant will not be affiliated to any retirement fund or pension scheme taken by the WCO.


The onus is on the applicant to demonstrate how he/she meets each of the essential qualifications and requirements. Applicants are encouraged to detail concrete achievements in their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and/or in their cover letters as well as include references.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for an assessment which may include a written test and/or an interview. All short-listed candidates may be requested to provide copies of their original diploma, certificates and proof of relevant experience. Pre-selected candidates may also be subject to reference checks to confirm the information provided in the application.


Interested candidates should submit their application for review no later than January 14, 2022 including a CV and cover letter in English or French by e-mail to:

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