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Zabala Innovation Consulting

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Management Consulting


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0,0 /5

Offer and Contract

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Learning Content

0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

0,0 /5


0,0 /5

Organizational Experience

0,0 /5

Learning Content

0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

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ZABALA is an independent international consultancy firm (SME) founded in 1986 specializing in comprehensive consultancy services for both R&D and Innovation management. Clients range from industrial or services enterprises to regional, national and European administrations. Its mission is to make innovation the key factor of competitiveness for both companies and administrations. A multidisciplinary team of +240 professionals covers all the technical and economic fields of our clients: engineering in different disciplines, socio-economic, legal, journalism, administrative, etc. The head office is in Pamplona (Spain). It has branches in 12 locations. ZABALA constantly works to improve the quality of life, sustainability, progress, employment and the welfare of society to help clients to develop new products, processes and services that allow them to grow and become increasingly competitive.

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