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UK Representation to the EU Brussels

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Government Relations


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The UK Permanent Representation to the EU represents the UK in negotiations that take place in the EU. UKRep ensures the UK’s interests are promoted and explained to other Member States and the EU Institutions on the whole range of EU business.

UKRep is one of the UK’s busiest posts, with a team sourced from over 20 UK government departments working to ensure that UK policies are explained to other EU member states, the European Commission and members of the European Parliament.

The structure of UKRep varies from other embassies because of the unique working nature of the EU, where Member States meet to discuss issues in 3 distinct formations.

Sir Tim Barrow, the UK’s Permanent Representative to the EU, has overall responsibility for the work of the mission and represents the UK at weekly Committee of Permanent Representatives (Coreper II) meetings in the Council of the European Union. Coreper II deals largely with political, financial, justice, policing and foreign policy issues.

Katrina Williams is the UK’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the EU and represents the UK on the Committee of Deputy Representatives (Coreper I) in the Council of the European Union. Coreper I covers social, environmental and economic issues.

A third grouping bring together ambassadorial level representatives from each Member State to discuss Common Foreign and Security policy issues. Paul Johnston represents the UK’s interests on this Political and Security Committee (PSC).

The wider UKRep team is broadly structured around these three formations, covering policy issues such as home affairs or taxation or working on cross-cutting areas such as providing legal advice or arranging ministerial visits. More information on who leads these teams can be found on the Our Governance page below.

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