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Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF)

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Paper & Forest Products


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The Swedish Forest Industries Federation (SFIF) represents the Swedish forest industry, which offers numerous  solutions for a sustainable and climate-neutral society. SFIF members refine wood resources to bio-based  products, such as pulp, paper, board, packaging material, textiles, sawn timber, refined wood products and  advanced biofuels. The core business for SFIF members is industrial activities based on wood sourced from  sustainably managed forests. Among SFIF members are also some of the largest private forest holdings in Europe. SFIF employs close to 40 team members in Stockholm and Brussels.  

On behalf of its members, SFIF engages in EU policy development in areas such as circular bioeconomy, climate,  energy, environment, forest, transport, products, research & innovation and trade. As of September 2019, SFIF  is permanently represented in Brussels. SFIF is now seeking to expand with one additional team member.  

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