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PROFEL - European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processors

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Food & Beverages


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PROFEL is the European Association of Fruit and Vegetable Processing Industries. Our association represents over 500 companies in 11 European countries through national associations or direct company membership. The members of PROFEL employ more than 80.000 people. The combined turnover of our members amounts to an impressive figure – roughly €22 billion. PROFEL monitors legislative developments relevant to the fruit and vegetable processing sector and provides expertise and input to legislators and decision-makers in the European Commission, the European Parliament and other relevant institutions and organisations in Brussels. In addition, PROFEL provides information and support to its members, advises them on policy matters likely to affect their businesses, such as regulatory, agricultural and trade-related policies; and promotes a spirit of cooperation between the different countries. PROFEL coordinates common positions and sector-specific technical input and communicates this information effectively and in a timely manner to educate and inform decision-makers in Brussels. 

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