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MedTech Europe

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Medical Devices


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Work Environment and Culture

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Career Development

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MedTech Europe’s mission is to make innovative medical technology available to more people, while helping healthcare systems move towards a sustainable path. MedTech Europe encourages policies that help the medical technology industry meet Europe’s growing healthcare needs and expectations. It also promotes medical technology’s value for Europe focusing on innovation and stakeholder relations, using economic research and data, communications, industry events and training sessions. MedTech Europe started as an alliance in October 2012 formed by two organisations - EDMA, representing the European in vitro diagnostic industry; and Eucomed, representing the European medical devices industry. Promoting a balanced policy environment MedTech Europe engages with EU regulators, politicians and other decision-makers to help shape policies to promote innovation for our growing healthcare needs and expectations. Demonstrating the value of medical technology MedTech Europe promotes to its members and the wider industry value-based innovations that support more sustainable healthcare systems. We use economic research to show the benefits of medical technology and we organise many initiatives to explain the value we bring to healthcare systems in Europe. We bring stakeholders together to discuss trends, issues and opportunities.

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