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Nonprofit Organization Management


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Offer and Contract

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Supervision & Management

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Work Environment and Culture

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Career Development

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0,0 /5


0,0 /5

Organizational Experience

0,0 /5

Learning Content

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Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

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Hivos firmly believes in every person’s right to live in freedom and dignity, to enjoy equal opportunities, and to influence decisions made regarding the changes they want to see in their lives, communities and country. 

We envision a world in which individual differences and backgrounds are respected and used to strengthen communities. A world in which people join forces to challenge the power imbalances that allow environmental degradation and propel climate change; that condone exploitation, oppression and exclusion; and that perpetuate gender inequalities. 

Hivos works for a world where people can realize their full potential, unleashing their ingenuity and creativity to build fair, just and life-sustaining societies for themselves and generations to come. Our mission is to amplify and connect voices that promote social and environmental justice and challenge power imbalances. We particularly empower marginalized rights holders to raise their voice and demand freedom of choice. 

Hivos supports the development of alternative solutions to deep-seated problems so that individuals and communities can make responsible and equitable choices within political and economic systems that serve their needs and preserve the planet. We connect people and organizations offering alternatives to those looking for solutions in their fight for social and environmental justice. 

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