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Four Paws

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Nonprofit Organization Management


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For 30 years, FOUR PAWS has consistently and successfully focused on one goal: to help animals. Our vision is a world where humans treat animals with respect, empathy, and understanding. FOUR PAWS runs several sanctuaries for rescued bears who previously suffered a huge amount of pain and distress. Our LIONSROCK Big Cat Sanctuary focuses primarily on big cats who were bred in captivity and subjected to unnatural conditions. As these animals cannot be returned to the wild we have created a habitat and environment in which these animals can live out the rest of their lives. We have also vaccinated and neutered thousands of stray animals and run many other campaigns to protect animals in the UK and around the world. Our campaigns are extensive and include the use of wild animals in the circus, animal testing, puppy farming, and factory farming, amongst others. FOUR PAWS’ mix of rescue projects and long-term campaigning provide rapid aid for animals in distress, along with sustainable change in the treatment of animals worldwide.

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