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Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini
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Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini - FGB - is a private and not-for-profit foundation developing, applying and disseminating evidence based policy design, delivery and evaluation at all governance levels. FGB promotes dialogue and a continuous knowledge exchange bridging the academic and policymaking communities, governments, civil society and private sector. FGB is an active player providing technical support and services to foster economic development, social cohesion, employment and innovation through: research, data gathering analysis, forecasting, project work, dissemination and communication, network management, vocational training. Nowadays FGB promotes local development at an urban and rural level by setting up innovation hubs, enterprise accelerators, startup incubators. FGB is a cultural centre organizing seminars and conferences, publishing magazines: Economia&Lavoro, inGenere.it, Labour, and book series: I Quaderni della Fondazione and Studi e Ricerche, allowing in this way the circulation of ideas and dissemination of research outcomes. Moreover FGB promotes a Master in Diversity Management and Gender Equality. Activities are developed by a committed European team with crosscutting capabilities in collaboration with national and international public and private bodies. Throughout its more than forty years of experience, FGB has gained reputation by consolidating a broad network of experts and by carrying on its activities independently. To date, Fondazione Brodolini has established its offices in Rome, Milan, Brussels and Ankara. For further information: info@fondazionebrodolini.eu.
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