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FECC - European Association of Chemical Distributers

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Fecc is the voice of the Chemical Distribution Industry in Europe. With a growing membership of companies and national associations, Fecc represents around 1,700 companies of which many are small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). The Chemical distribution industry in Europe employs around 30,000 people and has an annual sales leverage of approximately €26 billion. Our Mission Promote the chemical distribution industry in order to ensure a sustainable business environment for the sector in the short, medium and long term. Fecc represents members’ interests at the European and international level, while fostering cooperation within the chemical distribution sector. Objectives •Monitor regulatory affairs and represent the industry’s views before the European Institutions. •Increase sustainability by promoting the implementation of the Responsible Care Programme. •Serve as a platform to reach out to internal and external stakeholders. •Provide expertise and advice to the members •Strengthen relations between the chemical distribution industry. Fecc promotes initiatives such as Responsible Care, Product Stewardship and Good Trade and Distribution Practices. Fecc and its working committees give extensive information on current and proposed legislation to the members, while at the same time providing input and feedback to the European Institutions. Fecc regularly organises workshops, seminars and meetings on topics that are important for its members.

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