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European Academy of Neurology - EAN

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Hospital & Health Care


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The go-to place for neurology EAN provides a go-to resource for everyone working in the fields of neurology and neuroscience. We bring together national societies, institutions, clinicians and researchers and offer a forum for research, learning, networking and best practice for our patients. European Excellence The European Academy of Neurology was founded in June 2014. It was created by the former EFNS (European Federation of Neurological Societies) and ENS (European Neurological Society). We are: European We have our roots in Europe. This is where neurology first began. We aim to keep Europe as one of the scientific hotspots of the world and to raise standards of care throughout our continent. Academy We are a home of learning and scientific exchange. We provide members with the opportunity to increase their understanding of neurological conditions and their treatment. Neurology We embrace every field and sub-specialty, from Alzheimer’s disease to Zellweger’s Syndrome. 

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