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EuChemS - European Chemical Society

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EuChemS, the European Chemical Society, aims to nurture a platform for scientific discussion and to provide a single, unbiased European voice on key policy issues in chemistry and related fields. EuChemS has been active since 1970, and today represents more than 160,000 chemists from more than 40 Member Societies and other chemistry related organisations. EuChemS relies on a unique network of active researchers involved in all fields of chemistry. Through this network, EuChemS organises several specialised academic conferences as well as the biannual EuChemS Chemistry Congress, the European congress of chemical sciences. EuChemS also promotes the role and image of the chemical sciences among the general public and policy-makers through social media, newsletters and through the organisation of conferences and workshops open to citizens. Through the promotion of chemistry and by providing expert and scientific advice, EuChemS aims to take part in the solutions to today´s major societal challenges.

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