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Hospital & Health Care

United States

Average Rating

The following graphic describes how current or former employees rated aspects of their work experience from 1 to 5.

0,0 /5


0,0 /5

Offer and Contract

0,0 /5

Learning Content

0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

0,0 /5


0,0 /5

Organizational Experience

0,0 /5

Learning Content

0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

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ECRI Institute is an independent, nonprofit organization improving the safety, quality, and cost effectiveness of care across all healthcare settings. The combination of evidence-based research, medical device testing, and knowledge of patient safety makes ECRI uniquely respected by healthcare leaders and agencies worldwide. For more than 50 years, ECRI Institute has had an unwavering dedication to transparency and strict conflict-of-interest policies. The organization has earned a reputation as the trusted voice of unbiased, research-based assurance for tens of thousands of members around the world using its solutions to minimize risk and improve patient care.

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