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Organizational Experience
Supervision & Management
Work Environment and Culture
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The European Chemicals Agency, ECHA, is an agency of the European Union. We help companies to comply with the EU chemicals legislation; advance the safe use of chemicals; provide information about chemicals; and address chemicals of concern. To keep up-to-date with our work, subscribe to our Weekly news and Newsletter.
Almost 600 dedicated professionals from all over EU work in ECHA. Our staff are from 26 European countries and a wide range of professional disciplines: we have chemists, toxicologists, eco-toxicologists, lawyers, communications professionals, economists. If you would like to join our team, follow this page closely for open vacancies.
We work with contractors to achieve our goals and we publish tenders and opportunities here on LinkedIn.
We welcome input from anyone in response to our public consultations. In particular, we ask for feedback on chemical substances and their impact on humans and the environment, as well as potential alternatives to the most hazardous ones. Please give your input.
For more information about ECHA and our work to make Europe a safer place, go to our website: echa.europa.eu.
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