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Digital Europe

4,3 (1 reviews)
100% Recommended

Information Technology and Services


Average Rating

The following graphic describes how current or former employees rated aspects of their work experience from 1 to 5.

0,0 /5


0,0 /5

Offer and Contract

0,0 /5

Learning Content

0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

4,3 /5


3,0 /5

Organizational Experience

5,0 /5

Learning Content

5,0 /5

Supervision & Management

4,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

4,0 /5

Career Development

5,0 /5

Net Average Salaries

Policy Manager

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DIGITALEUROPE is the voice of the European digital technology industry, which includes large and small companies in the Information and Communications Technology and Consumer Electronics Industry sectors. It is composed of major multinational companies and national associations from European countries. In all, DIGITALEUROPE represents more than 10,000 companies all over Europe with more than 2 million employees and over EUR 1,000 billion in revenues. Given the increasingly global nature of the Digital Technology Industry, DIGITALEUROPE’s activities, including consideration of membership, cover Europe in a geographic sense, including EU accession countries, EU accession candidate countries and non EU countries

Company Figures

  • 4,3 / 5,0 Average rating

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