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CESIE - Centro studi e iniziative europeo

2,5 (1 reviews)
0% Recommended

Civic & Social Organization


Average Rating

The following graphic describes how current or former employees rated aspects of their work experience from 1 to 5.

2,5 /5


1,0 /5

Offer and Contract

2,0 /5

Learning Content

3,0 /5

Supervision & Management

3,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

3,0 /5

Career Development

3,0 /5



0,0 /5

Organizational Experience

0,0 /5

Learning Content

0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

What Our Team Say

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Things I liked most:

- As every working experience this internship did bring me some new competencies in Project Management. - I had the possibility to participate in Partner meetings and training organization. - I have worked with managers that were specialists in their area of work. - It is satisfying as a first working experience for fresh graduates.

Things could have been better:

- My tasks were mostly focused on the research and toolkit writing. I cannot say that I have received a full training in Project management even though 6 months spent there were a medium long period.I haven't learned anything about different calls for projects, budget monitoring or report writing. -due to the managers' work overload I had less chances to learn from them than expected. -I was motivated to stay by the mission of the company and some managers, but not by the overall conditions of work. After having done 6 months of a full-time unpaid internship you are offered between 500 and 700e to stay depending on your previous experience while the workload is quite heavy. I find this unfair if we consider that the company is constantly getting bigger and the amount of projects they win every year. Higher retribution can be a motivation to stay. -It will not train you to enter the job market.

work type
Not mentioned

Il CESIE è un’organizzazione senza scopo di lucro, apolitica, apartitica e aconfessionale. È stata fondata nel 2001 su ispirazione dell’attività e del messaggio dell’attivista Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). L’associazione è una European Non Governamental Organisation – ENGO (organizzazione non governativa con organizzazioni membri in più di 8 paesi europei) riconosciuta dalla Commissione Europea e sostenuta con un accordo quadro di partenariato (FPA – Framework Partnership Agreement) dall’DG EAC. L’organizzazione, che opera sia a livello locale che internazionale, è impegnata nella promozione dello sviluppo culturale, educativo – formativo, scientifico ed economico attraverso l’applicazione e lo sviluppo di metodologie e strumenti innovativi e partecipativi. Il CESIE è strutturato in cinque Dipartimenti che operano in sinergia e gestiscono attività relative al loro ambito: Cooperazione Europea, Cooperazione Internazionale, Mobilità, Promozione Socio-culturale e Alta Formazione e Ricerca. L’ufficio di coordinamento del CESIE si trova nel centro storico di Palermo e uffici decentrati sono operativi anche in India, Nepal e Senegal. Il CESIE coordina inoltre la ‘CESIE Federation’, composta da oltre 70 organizzazioni attive in tutto il mondo che condividono la nostra missione e collaborano alle nostre attività.

Company Figures

  • 2,5 / 5,0 Average rating

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