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Central Denmark EU Office
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Central Denmark Region covers the central part of Jutland from coast to coast. With approx. 1.2 million inhabitants, it is Denmark’s second-largest region after the Capital Region. The region consists of nineteen municipalities and several large cities, including Denmark’s second-largest city, Aarhus, with approx. 300,000 inhabitants, as well as Randers, Horsens, Silkeborg and Herning. It represent Central Denmark Region, the 19 municipalities and Aarhus University. Central Denmark Region has great growth and development potential. The region has a vibrant economic life, strong competencies in relation to knowledge environments, research and education, and rapid population growth. The region thus accounts for almost a quarter of the total Danish workforce. CDEU is to ensure that companies, organisations, authorities and local players in the region benefit from EU policies, programmes and initiatives within the areas of innovation, research, education, culture, environment, energy, and internationalisation in general.
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