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Borealis Alliance

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Aviation & Aerospace


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The Borealis Alliance is a leading Alliance of Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs) that enables its Members to drive better performance for stakeholders through business collaboration. 

The Alliance includes the ANSPs of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Norway, Sweden and the UK. Combined, they provide air traffic services for 3.8m flights a year, across 12.5 million Km2 of north European airspace. 

Between them, they form Europe’s major transatlantic gateway. The Borealis Alliance is currently leading a ground-breaking initiative to deliver a seamless area of Free Route Airspace across the entire airspace managed by its Members, transforming the way airlines plan and fly through Northern Europe. 

The programme was awarded one of the European Commission’s inaugural Single European Sky awards in 2016, in recognition of the work being done by the Alliance to make flying in Europe quicker, cheaper and greener.

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