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Civic & Social Organization

United States

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Organizational Experience

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Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

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Avaaz -- meaning "voice"​ in several European, Middle Eastern and Asian languages -- launched in 2007 with a simple democratic mission: organise citizens of all nations to close the gap between the world we have and the world most people everywhere want. Avaaz empowers millions of people from all walks of life to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, from corruption and poverty to conflict and climate change. Our model of internet organising allows thousands of individual efforts, however small, to be rapidly combined into a powerful collective force. The Avaaz community campaigns in 17 languages, served by a core team on 6 continents and thousands of volunteers. We take action -- signing petitions, funding media campaigns and direct actions, emailing, calling and lobbying governments, and organising "offline"​ protests and events -- to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform the decisions that affect us all.

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