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Antall Jozsef Knowledge Centre

Average Rating

The following graphic describes how current or former employees rated aspects of their work experience from 1 to 5.



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Offer and Contract

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Supervision & Management

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Work Environment and Culture

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Career Development

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Organizational Experience

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Learning Content

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Supervision & Management

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Work Environment and Culture

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Career Development

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The Antall József Knowledge Centre (AJKC) came into being in the form of a foundation with the Corvinus University of Budapest. The organization was established in 2009, and the work of the Centre officially began in the spring of 2010. The institution is named after Dr József Antall (1932-1993), the first freely elected Prime Minister of Hungary, who served from 1990 to 1993. The Knowledge Centre is an organisation independent of parties, ideologies and current politics. Its primary objectives are to foster the Antall tradition and promote the spread of knowledge. Our main mission is to launch programmes which, beyond the theoretical education provided by universities, equip students with wide-ranging practical knowledge via conferences, lecture series, trainings and roundtable conversations. The profile of the Knowledge Centre is also characterised by research activities and publications in the field of political and social sciences. Our institution emphasises the importance of talent scouting and management. Academic work is built on university students in BA and MA programmes, as well as PhD students. Through our internship opportunities, numerous enthusiastic students assist the work of the foundation and take part in the organisation of our programmes. Here, they have a chance to go through diverse professional development, meet international experts, engage in various areas of research, and attain all the practical know-how needed to realise an idea. AJKC is gradually expanding its international relations, and seek cooperation with national and international institutions with a similar profile.

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