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Alliance for Rural Electrification

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Renewables & Environment


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0,0 /5

Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

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0,0 /5

0,0 /5


0,0 /5

Organizational Experience

0,0 /5

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Supervision & Management

0,0 /5

Work Environment and Culture

0,0 /5

Career Development

0,0 /5

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ARE is an international business association representing the decentralised energy sector working towards the integration of renewables into rural electrification markets in developing and emerging countries. We enable improved energy access through business development support for more than 100 members along the whole value chain for off-grid technologies by targeted advocacy and facilitating access to international and regional funding. Our aim is to attract and unite all relevant actors in order to speak with one voice about rural electrification with renewable energies. Since its creation in 2006, ARE has been serving as a global platform for sharing knowledge and best practices to provide for the rapid implementation of available and advanced RE technologies and services.

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