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ADE - Analysis for Economic Decisions

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International Trade and Development


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ADE (Analysis for Economic Decisions S.A.) is a consulting and advisory company located in Louvain-la-Neuve, near Brussels, Belgium. ADE is specialised in providing public decision-making support services, such as analysis and advisory studies, support in the formulation of strategies/policies/programmes, and evaluations and monitoring of strategies/policies/programmes. It also manages technical assistance projects for assignments worldwide. ADE's main clients are international organisations and national public institutions, such as the European Commission, the World Bank, United Nations funds and programmes, and EU and third country governments. ADE is specialised in four main areas in which it has acquired a reputation for excellence: - Macro-economics Policies and Public Finance Management - Regional development and Innovation Policies - Agricultural and rural development and the Environment - Evaluation & Monitoring In addition, ADE has also developed recognised expertise in the following fields: - Private Sector, Blending and Development Finance - Impact Evaluation - Framework Contracts - Training on Aid Modalities - Humanitarian Aid - Conflict Resolution, Security and Fragility ADE is managing several Framework Contracts (FWC) for the European Commission and other clients, most of which as a leading company : - EU DEVCO - FWC BENEF 2013 Lot 11 Macro economy, Statistics, Public Finance Management - EU DEVCO - FWC BENEF 2013 Lot 7 Governance and Home Affairs. - EU DEVCO - FWC COM 2015 Lot 1 Evaluation - EU DEVCO - Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support Programme (MKS) - EU ECHO - Evaluation FWC - World Food Programme (FWP) - Evaluation FWC - Netherlands'​ Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Evaluation FWC lots 1 and 2 - Netherlands'​ Enterprise Agency - Evaluation FWC lot 2 ADE has a staff of >40 permanent consultants and assistants. ADE also works with a number of consortium partner companies and more than 100 external experts on an annual basis who are contracted for specific assignments. We invite you to have a look at our opening positions for consulting projects on: You may also connect directly with our Commercial Department, by sending an invitation to connect with Yaroslava Bondar.

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